
Cosmetic Gynecology

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Best Cosmetic Gynecology

Anand MH is a multi-specialty hospital, located at Raipur and Baloda in Chhattisgarh. Services offered here include Medical-Surgical Inpatient Stay, Outpatient Surgery, 24 Hour Emergency Care, Onco Surgery, Burn and Plastic, Pediatric, Minimal Access Gynecology Surgery, Maxillo-Facial Surgical Unit, Palliative Care Center and Physiotherapy. Anand Hospital is now being managed by a team of doctors and the Hospital is well stocked with healthcare practitioners and experienced officials to care for the patients. Their mission is based on the belief that when doctors manage hospitals, the hospital provides the very best patient care that all patients deserve.

Cosmetic Gynecology Genital Surgery (FCGS) is the fastest growing sub-specialty for women. This includes procedures to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the vulva/vaginal area, and repair of the vagina to enhance sexual function that deteriorates due to childbirth or aging.

Over time, age and activities including being pregnant and birth can have an effect on the internal and external structure of the vagina, inflicting changes in each of its appearance and bodily response to the stimulus. Cosmetic gynecology objectives to make improvements to both the physical appearance or function of the vagina and labia; in lots of cases, each dream is performed concurrently.

The results of cosmetic gynecology can improve the enjoyment of sexual activities, at the same time as also rejuvenating the genitals to make the body appear younger or extra aesthetically appealing.


The vaginoplasty procedure is used to reduce the width of the vagina. Although certainly designed to stretch all during intercourse and delivery, vaginal tissue can lose elasticity over time, especially after multiple deliveries.

This permanent stretch can affect a woman's pleasure for the duration of repeated intercourse. During vaginoplasty, a beauty doctor may also use strategies that include tightening the perineal muscles or retaining the posterior vaginal wall, reducing the normal width of the vagina, and "tightening" the tissues.

While vaginoplasty is generally thought of as an aesthetic procedure, it can also be used as a reconstructive method to correct delivery defects or tissue injuries that may occur during childbirth.


Labiaplasty addresses the size and shape of the labia, or the pores and skin folds that line the body's opening of the vagina. There is certainly a great deal of variation in the appearance of the labia from woman to woman, and normal asymmetries are frequent.

Many women seek out this system because they have an herbal excess pore and skin that can cause pain or make intercourse and intimacy difficult when wearing tight-fitting clothing. For this reason, a labiaplasty technique may additionally remove excess skin from both sides of the labia to reduce the normal length, or from one aspect most effective at correcting asymmetry.