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Best sexologist Hospital In Raipur & Balodabazar

Anand MH provides solutions for all types of sexual problems in men and women of all ages. This clinic has been awarded many times for its services. Sexual problems are treated using the latest and modern techniques. Problems such as infertility, premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, low sperm count, problems due to masturbation, etc are treated here. Remember that Healthy Sex is the key to good health.

If you see 9 signs, do not delay in talking to a sexologist

According to Doctor "Chandni Chandrakar Verma" no one can help him in case of secret diseases but this is not true. In fact, many people's relationships have been broken due to sexual problems. But most of the people in India prefer to remain silent instead of going to the sexologist in such situations. In the absence of information, the situation becomes even more serious as people hesitate to talk to sexologists due to less information. So if you also want to know what is the right time to contact a sexologist, then consider these things-

1.Low Sex Drive –

A lot of people talk about it. Some people do not want to come close to their partner, this is called low sex drive. There can be many reasons for this like- hormonal changes (in both men and women), physical deficiencies, fatigue or any medicine. Low sex drive can also occur at times during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If this problem lasts for a long time, then your partner may also have to suffer as a result, then it is better that you talk to your doctor.

2.Bizarre thoughts related to sex-

If someone has a strong desire for sex. This is a serious problem especially if it deals with bizarre subjects. Maybe you are suffering from any psychological problem then you may have to face problems at other important levels like social, professional.

3. Physiological problems-

Often men have erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or difficulty in penetrating or sex after penetration, then this is a physiological problem. It is possible to treat them. You can get information about the right treatment by talking to a sexual expert. At the same time, women may have difficulty in intercourse in conditions like vaginal dryness or contraction, pre-menopause, vaginal trauma. These problems can be got rid of by contacting the doctor at the right time.

4. The difference in Sexual Desire –

The same energy is not shown between both the partners towards sexual relations. Either one of you may have stress, low sex drive, or some other such problem. However, it would be best that both of you talk openly and meet the sexologist together. It will be more beneficial to go as a team to find out the exact cause of the problem and treat it.

5. Secal Obesity-

If you always have sexual thoughts in your mind. If it is affecting your work and everyday life then it could be a psychological problem. Which may require immediate treatment. By talking to a therapist or sexologist, the root cause of this problem can be found out so that this problem can be resolved soon.

6. Guilt after sex -

For some people, guilt is associated with sex. The reason for this can be some bad experiences like child abuse or there can be a specific reason. Whatever be the reason, but to get rid of this problem and feeling, you should talk to an expert.

7. Do not orgasm –

Most of the women have this complaint in the same way as men get orgasm with ejaculation. Despite sex drive, good partner, and lovemaking, if you do not feel orgasm, then you should talk to a sexologist immediately.

8. The dilemma regarding sexual orientation-

Since this topic is not talked about openly, many people get trapped in the wrong identity. If you do not understand how to talk about this topic or adopt your identity, then talk to an expert. Which will help you to get out of this dilemma and adopt your right orientation.

9. Not able to do anything despite the desire-

Many times it happens that despite everything being right, you are not able to do intercourse or there is a lot of pain in intercourse. This could be a sign that you should talk to a sexologist.